Community Café

Grinders Team Member of the Month – Meet Evo!

Kristy Aylmore

Thursday, 20 July 2023

Welcome to our monthly Meet the Team series, where we introduce you to the team behind your favourite brew.

An online meet and greet, so you can find out about the passionate people, which make Grinders Coffee tick.

This month, we say a huge shout out to Evo!

What is your role at Grinders Coffee?

I have the pleasure of being the go-to-guy for all things coffee in the NT and Northern WA. My title technically is a Territory Manager but most people introduce me as “Evo the Coffee Guy”.


What is your coffee/ work background?

I have a long and full history in the coffee industry but before coffee, in a past forgotten life, I was a personal trainer. When I use to go down to the café between clients, for my skinny mocha with two equals, I’d watch the barista in awe and honestly saw them as magicians. You do this and press that and hey presto coffee magically appears. So, I decided to do a two-day coffee course and call myself a barista. I ended up working for Sydney Coffee Roaster in their cafe as a barista and then assistant manager. A move to Melbourne saw me becoming their barista trainer. After a few years in this role, I got a role with La Marzocco decided selling coffee machines.

A decision to be closer to family had me move back to Darwin. Since then, I started a small cold brew company called Sailors Brew that I had for a few years. After this I I worked for a local drinks distributor selling drinks and coffee until this role came up for grabs!


What does good coffee mean to you?

It’s whatever form of coffee gets you smiling in the morning. For me it’s great quality roasted beans made with love by a barista. I can taste and feel the process and passion from bean to cup, from farmer to barista, in one cup of coffee. For my dad it’s his instant coffee!


What is your must have favourite Grinder’s Coffee?

Honestly can’t go past Source, especially in milk. Foundation is outstanding as a long black *chefs kiss*. Do I have to only choose one?!


What is your most recent purchase from Grinders Coffee?

I bought a bag of Source to make cold brew with!


A little bit personal now. You can always find me at?

The local markets on a weekend grabbing some of Darwin’s famous market food with a coffee.  I’m also a personal Uber for my 8- and 10-year-old getting them to sport and other activities. Dance dads unite! Otherwise, I’m a big mamma’s boy and family man so visiting my mum and dad and hanging out with family and friends. Can’t beat mums cooking!

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