
Grinders Barista of the Month – Dinesh from RockSalt in Brighton

Kristy Aylmore

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Rocksalt is a vibrant modern Australian cuisine restaurant that is focused on delivering exceptional food and top-notch customer service. The fast-paced establishment is a haven for food enthusiasts seeking memorable dining experiences.



Tell us a little bit about you?

I am an international student with a passion for coffee, currently honing my skills as a barista/all-rounder at Rocksalt. My journey in the world of coffee began in 2017 when I enrolled in barista courses, first in my home country and next in Melbourne, sparking my Barista career.


Tell us, how do you drink your coffee?

Black, to taste the coffee, I love tasting different coffees as much as I can.


What are your tips to make better coffee?

Work on your technique, be disciplined and work on sensory skills. Consistency with steaming milk and constantly tasting what you’re making.


What new trends or changes have you seen coming from your customers or the industry?

I find nowadays people are more into fermented or specialised coffees.


Can you tell us about your relationship with Grinder’s Coffee?

A great team to work with and our Territory Manger James is amazing! We’re currently serving a single origin coffee from Papua New Guinea which is great.


What makes Rocksalt a great place to work?

We have a great team and the customers are amazing. Also look at where we are? Brighton, it’s a magical place of the world.


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